After moving to Waynesville, from Clyde, a school friend of my daughter’s, Jordan Landt, invited Corey and Andy to VBS at EC in the summer of 1988. There were a lot of other children from their school who were there, too. They enjoyed it so much, we started to attend Sunday School and Worship Service. EC was very welcoming and the spiritual support that we needed, so I moved my membership and made EC our home church.
Growing up in Greensboro, I attended a Methodist church that was built across the street from my home. It was a small church, like EC. I attended Sunday School, UMYF, sang in the choir and was married there. I have felt the same love and spiritual energy at EC. Over the years, I have watch EC support many ministers and their families, step up to provide church members in need of anything as well as helping anyone else in the community that was lifted up to this congregation. God’s love pores out from everyone for anyone who walks through its doors.
EC is a blessing!