April 14, 2024
Elizabeth Chapel Moment
Boots Medford
I was raised in Georgia in a little town called mountain city. I went to a tiny Methodist Church, and I sang in the MYF and I sang in the Choir was in the 60’s when I went to work at DAYCO here. I met my husband, Dale. We worked together about a year, we got married and we built a house on Underwood Cove Road. Dale’s family were members of Elizabeth Chapel. I was so happythat it was a Methodist Church. I started attending and was welcomed lovingly. I met some good people that made me feel like my church was a family.
We had a little precious daughter, and I had her Christened in the church. Dale had another family and had four children whom Ilove, and I like being around them. My daughter Penny had two of my grandsons and they were Christened in this church too.
I have been a member of this church for over 50 years. I am so thankful for all of you who come to Sunday School, this church and hear the preaching. I just wanted to say thank you so much and God bless you.
God gave us a beautiful spring this year. I had a tree that was in my yard that never bloomed much and this year it just came alive. So, I just brought some to show you and I just loved it. I appreciate y’all, thank you.