Elizabeth Chapel Moment: A Legacy of Faith
My family and Elizabeth Chapel United Methodist Church are intertwined. My great- grandfather, John Boon Swayngim, played a vital role in building the "Little White Church on the Hill" in 1896, where the first Sunday school meeting took place 128 years ago. He instilled a deep love for this church in my family, emphasizing that attending wasn't a duty, but a privilege.
Family Legacy
John Boone and Eunice, affectionately known as “Little Grandma,” had three children who grew up at Elizabeth Chapel: Hattie, Margaret, and James. The congregation eventually decided to build a new church in the late 1950s/early 1960s. Fundraising efforts included dinners cooked by the women, with my Great Aunt Margaret and others leading the charge. I have been told deliveries were often handled by Ronnie Rogers, and Nancy Hyatt likely played a part in the cooking, they are both here today.
My grandparents, Hattie and Carl Jones, raised their daughters, Linda (my mother) and Arby, within these walls. My parents, Bobby and Linda Ballance, were married at the Little White Church in 1961, the last couple to be wed in the original building. They raised four children here: Tesha, Chris, Shelley, and myself. My oldest sister, Tesha, was born the year the new building was completed, so we all grew up here in the new building.
The tradition continued when my wife, Shauna, and I married at Elizabeth Chapel in 2002. We've raised our four children, Jozy, Jesse, Ralyn, and River, within this church family. My children are the 5th generation of my family to be at Elizabeth Chapel. We have pictures of 4 generations together in this sanctuary.
Favorite Memories
Elizabeth Chapel overflows with cherished memories. My aunt Arby raised her five sons, Nalan, Jason, Jody, Rod, and Bart Brandt, here as well. Being close in age to Rod and Bart, Sundays were filled with a lot of rough-housing and laughter. While some moments during the sermon might not have seemed like fun to our parents, it sure was to us back then.
Great Aunt Margaret and Mrs. Gail Powell instilled a love for God's word in us through Sunday School and youth choir. They made us walk-the-line and pay attention because they knew the importance of spiritual growth, and I'm grateful for their dedication. Witnessing the countless examples of God's love lived out by members of my family and the people of Elizabeth Chapel has profoundly shaped my life. There's a saying, "We stand on the shoulders of giants." Today, I recognize Meemaw Hattie, Aunt Margaret, and my parents as those spiritual giants. They loved me unconditionally, guiding me back to God's embrace time and time again. The Bible was their compass, and they showed me that God's love is constant, no matter my path or missteps.
United Methodist Youth group evenings were another highlight. I think back about past Pastors and their children that attended.
During the weekdays and summers, the church was a place where kids from the community gathered for fellowship, bike rides, sports, and socializing. The basement door was always unlocked, offering us a refreshing drink from the water fountain or a cookie from the kitchen. I always knew when it was time to come home because I could hear my mom yelling “Tray suppers ready” and I would run home sometimes with a few hungry kids who were always welcome to eat with our family.
Watching my own children participate in the Thank Bank, children's time and Vacation Bible School are some of my favorite memories from their childhood. Candlelight services on Christmas Eve brings immense joy, the entire family together, dressed nicely with the spirit of Christmas is my favorite time of every year.
Hopes for the Future
Elizabeth Chapel has a unique ability to draw people together – families and friends creating a strong community. My hope is that this continues. The world desperately needs places like Elizabeth Chapel, offering a beacon of faith and fellowship. I hope Elizabeth Chapel will be here for the future generations of my family as well as yours.
Tray Ballance