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Holy Moments Small Group Guide

Updated: Feb 28

Here is the small group guide for the book. There are three options to participate that include Sundays at 9:45am in the Light House Room, Wednesdays at 4PM and 6PM in the Fellowship Hall. Our plan will be to cover Part I the week of February 25, Part II the week of March 3, Part 3 the week of March 10 and Part IV the week of March 17. If you need a copy of the book you can orderer from


“Holy Moments” by Matthew Kelly Small group discussion questions

  1. In the Prologue on p. 9 what Holy Moments (HM) did the monastery experience after they heard “the Messiah is among you?”

  2. On page 11, what was the Abbot’s response to the women’s question about how the monks changed?

Part One – Awakening

  1. On page 13, have you personally thought or said one or more of these sacred truths – something is missing, there must be more to life, I have so much more to offer? Please reflect and share if comfortable.

  2. On the bottom of page 14, what does the author tell us we try to do to satisfy our cravings for these sacred truths?

  3. On page 16, what are the two hungers?

  4. Do you know people in your life who are either living with meaning or hungering for meaning? Please share.

  5. On pp. 18-19, what are some of the ways that Matthew Kelly’s spiritual mentor encouraged him?

  6. On page 20, Matthew Kelly talks about collaborating with God to create Holy Moments. What do you think that means for you personally?

  7. On page 21, what are some of the ways you see our culture being exiled from God?

  8. On page 23 Matthew Kelly defines a Holy Moment as a single moment in which you open yourself to God. You make yourself available to Him. You set aside personal preference and self-interest, and for one moment you do what you prayerfully believe God is calling you to do. Do you agree with his statement on p. 24 that you can begin living this today? Why or why not?

  9. What stood out to you in The Moment of Decision section on pp. 25-29?

  10. Each week we will begin with asking anyone to share a Holy Moment they created or experienced and how it made them feel. Do you have any you want to share now?

Part Two – Holy Moments Explained

  1. Does anyone want to share a Holy Moment they created or experienced recently or perhaps after reading and reflecting on the prologue or part 1 ? How did it make you feel? How did the other person feel?

  2. On page 34, how was the Good Samaritan predisposed to helping the traveler that day?

  3. On page 35, what is the key to activating Holy Moments?

  4. On pp. 35-41 the Holy Moment definition is broken down into nine parts (see below). Which of these is easiest for you to do? Which is the hardest? ● A Holy Moment is a single moment ● which you open yourself to God ● You make yourself available to Him ● You set aside personal preference... ● You set aside... self-interest● ...and for one moment...● do...● ...what you prayerfully believe...● God is calling you to do.

  5. On p. 41 what do you think about Matthew Kelly’s statement about what happens when we focus on the negative?

  6. On p. 42, what are the ten aspects of our life that matter most? Does anything on this list surprise you or is there one you haven’t thought of before?

  7. Go through the list of everyday examples of Holy Moments on pp. 51-52, which ones strike you? Please explain.

  8. What stood out to you in the Why Do Holy Moments Make Us So Happy section on pp. 53-56?

  9. What do you think of the idea on pp. 58-59 that God uses broken people to create Holy Moments?

Part Three – The Divine Plan

  1. Does anyone want to share a Holy Moment they created or experienced since we last met? How did it make you feel? How did the other person feel?

  2. On page 64-65, what is Matthew Kelly’s definition of hope? What does he say is the difference between being hopeful and hopeless? How can Holy Moments help?

  3. On page 66-67, what does Matthew Kelly say made the world a mess? What do you think about his statement that Holy Moments are the solution to the world's problems?

  4. What stood out to you in The Progress Delusion section on pp. 67-74?

  5. What stood out to you in the We Need a New Approach section on pp. 74- 78?

  6. What stood out to you in The Power of Holy Moments section on pp. 78-87?

  7. On page 81, what is Matthew Kelly’s definition of goodwill?

  8. In the God’s Math Lesson section on pp. 87-95, Matthew Kelly invites us to share the wisdom of Holy Moments with three people? Does anyone come to mind for you right away? Who? If not, pray about who God is inviting you to share this with.

  9. On page 96, how does Matthew Kelly summarize the Christian life in ten words?

Part Four – The Power of One Idea

  1. Does anyone want to share a Holy Moment they created or experienced since after reading and reflecting on part 3? How did it make you feel? How did the other person feel?

  2. On page 101, Matthew Kelly asks if we will embrace or reject this idea of Holy Moments. What is your response?

  3. What stood out to you in the A World Full of Distractions section on pp. 102- 105? He asks us on p. 104 if we are living a life of focus or distraction? Please share.

  4. What stood out to you in the Never Stay Discouraged section on pp. 105-109? What are your sources of inspiration on p. 107?

  5. What stood out to you in the Be Bold section on pp. 109-116?

6. Please share some of your biggest takeaways from the book.

7. What are some reminders or tips that will help you continue to create Holy Moments after you finish reading this book?


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