The psalmist declares “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
I have breath and I do praise the Lord that he nudged me in the direction of Elizabeth Chapel UMC, when I was looking for a new church. This was late October in 2025. When we think about the Lord’s mighty acts toward us, we cannot help but celebrate Him through praise and worship.
Wouldn’t you think that every vibrant, fruitful, growing congregation, when dealing with a newcomer would practice hospitality and out of genuine love for Christ and others, their laity and pastors grow in faith as they become the Body of Christ. This is exactly what you did to me when I arrived here in October of 2015. Yes, you are guilty of radical hospitality.
When I came here, I knew eight or ten people in the congregation and the transition was very easy for me. From the beginning, I noticed an unusual amount, or at least to me it seemed unusual amount of cohesion, togetherness in getting things done, a lot of people helping people. At this point, I had been a part of, I think six churches. I don’t think I had ever seen this degree of togetherness. Obviously, you like each other a little bit.
I have always believed that we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ here in this world. I saw that happening here right away. This was started before we started naming and pointing out these acts. Now, every Sunday morning when I hear the term “Hands & Feet,” and we start to name and validate these acts, it is truly an Elizabeth Chapel Moment for me.
Being a part of the music here has been a blessing for me. When I came here, I started immediately to sing in the choir. I have been a part of the choir everywhere I have attended church. Music is a joy and I think Gail (Gail Powell) for making it even more so for me. When COVID came along, that changed everything. It meant seeing my mug on this stage more frequently. If there is any joy or benefit extracted from COVID, it may have worked in my favor. Without COVID, I probably would not have provided as many sour notes for you over the months. As I tell folks, I am no speaker, by any means, but I can sing a little bit. This allows me to witness in my own element. I do this with the firm belief that the word of God is just as valid when sung, as it is preached. I must also mention the few times my friends have been up to visit and came here to sing with me.
I love this church….where else could I go to be scolded and belittled by Werhan (Mike Werhan)? I understand though, that he is just getting even for when I told him I had seen better looking heads on lettuce.
One other memorable Elizabeth Chapel Moment. That would be the day when I sang my first solo here to the congregation. It was, “Shepherd in the Arms of God.” And aren’t you lucky? You are going to get to hear it today. I love you all!
C.E. Holder