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P.R.A.Y.E.R. Journal September 12, 2025 Proverbs 31:10-31 "A Competent Woman"


P.R.A.Y.E.R. Journal for September 22, 2024


Dear Lord,Thank you for placing “competent women” in our life. Help us to understand the wisdom of building strong relationships inside and outside the home. May we teach and nurture others through God’s gentle and compassionate love. We are grateful for the work you have called us to do. May we share the fruits of our labor and the blessings that you provide every moment of every day.

In the name of Jesus and the power of your Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen

Read: Psalm 31:1-31


  • ·  Why is wisdom in the Bible described in female terms?

  • ·  Who are the women in your life and in the church that have

    been a blessing to your faith journey and to others? Why?

  • ·  What can we learn from the “competent” women in the church?

  • ·  How can we share our blessings with others?


· How are you investing your time, talents, and treasures to grow relationships in the Body of Christ (The Church)?


· How will you engage your faith this week?


Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Let her share in the results of her work; let her deeds praise her in the city gates (V. 30&31)



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