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P.R.A.Y.E.R Journal for Easter Sunday 2024

Prayer Journal for Easter Sunday March 31, 2024



Dear Lord.

 Thank you for the gift of this Easter morning.  Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed.  I pray now more than ever that we live as if Jesus is among us.  Remind us each day that all we must do is find Jesus in our own life and in the lives of our family, friends, and neighbors.  Yes Lord, we are counting on that day when we shall rise with Jesus, with the hope that the worst thing on this earth is not the last thing, that ultimately good will win over evil, and that your steadfast love shall endure with us forever.  In the Risen Christ I pray, Amen!


Read: Mark 16 (emphasis on verses 6&7)

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”



·      What does Easter mean to you?

·      How do the words “Jesus is among us” change the way we live our life and how we live in relationship with our family, friends, and neighbors?

·      Reflect on the words from Adam Hamilton’s Easter Sermon,” Do you really believe this story about resurrection? Do you really believe that Easter means the worst thing is never the last thing? Do you really believe that ultimately good will triumph over evil and God’s plans will ultimately prevail?” And his answer is always the same: “I not only believe it, I am counting on it.”        

·      Who will you share the Good News of Easter with, in the coming days and weeks?           

·      Why do we need to share the Easter Story with others?


Yield: We live as Easter people with more faith, hope and love.  We collaborate with God to make our world a better place.


Engage:  Where have you been the hands and feet of Jesus this past week? How will you engage in being the hands and feet of Jesus this week?


Remember: Write down where you have seen evidence of the resurrection.  Give God praise and thanks for the Holy Moments you have experienced this week.


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