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P.R.A.Y.E.R Journal for June 9, 2023 Psalm 138. The Immutability of God's Love!


Dear God,

         The Psalmist reminds us today that your steadfast love endures forever.  Your love is unchangeable, immutable, and ever present in our lives.  Thank you, God, for guiding us through the troubles of today.  We name those troubles in silence and place them in your hands.  Help us to see your hand in all we have done, and all we will do.  Simply be with us as we share our stories of your unfailing love with others this week. In the powerful name of Jesus and your Holy Spirit we pray. Amen!

Read: Psalm 138



  • Today’s message is about the guiding rhythm of the song or story being sung that represents God’s steadfast love. Think back on your own life. As you observe the highs and lows, where can you notice a rhythm of steadfast love behind it all? What did that love look like in your life and why did (or didn’t) this come to mind today.


How much time will you dedicate this week to sharing God’s unfailing love with your family, friends, or neighbors? 


The psalmist sets as a goal of thanking God with his “whole heart” (Psalm 138:1a). Assuming this is possible, can you write down (or think of) one way that you will intentionally open your whole heart this week (e.g., a moment of service at your church, time singing at an instrument, visiting someone lonely, a sunset walk, knitting a gift)? If you are ready (and comfortable), ask for accountability for this action this week.


Give God all the glory, thanks, and praise for guiding us through the troubles of the day.   Remember last week’s sermon from Psalm 139, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made!”  God created you for God’s purposes, and God’s ways.  Yes, God’s steadfast love endures forever.

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