Don't for get to wear red to church this Sunday!

Lord break threw and touch our hearts and take away hard shell of the illusion of control in our lives, free us, and mold us into your children after the image of your son, Jesus Christ. Remold us. Remake us. Come Holy Spirit, Free Spirit, in the powerful name of Jesus we pray. Amen
Read: Acts 2:1-21
What is the meaning of Pentecost to you?
How does the promise of new life apply to you?
Why is the Holy Spirit important to you?
How are you sharing your faith and ministering with your family, friends, and community?
Let go of your illusion of control in your life and claim your inheritance as a beloved child of God!
Write down one thing your will do for and with the church this week? We renew our covenant to support one another with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and our witness as Christ’s Holy Church.
If you are looking for ways to serve in the church contact Pastor Ben
Where have you seen the Holy Spirit active in your life? Praise and give thanks to God.