P.R.A.Y.E.R. Journal for Sunday November 10, 2024
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of the widow who trusted You with all she had. Help us to trust You in the same way, surrendering everything, even in our times of need. Teach us to let go of our fears, to give freely from our hearts, and to rely on Your unfailing provision. May our lives reflect Your faithfulness, and may we find peace and joy in trusting You completely. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Read: Mark 12:41-44
· Where in my life am I holding back from trusting God fully, and how can I surrender those areas to him this week?
· When have I experienced God’s provision in unexpected ways, and how does remembering His faithfulness encourage me to trust him more deeply?
· What small, sacrificial offering can I give-whether it is time, resources, or service-that demonstrate my faith and commitment to God?
Let me encourage you to set aside some time this week to pray and to ask God for a deeper trust to overcome your struggles and barriers that are preventing you from getting closer to Jesus. I pray the Lord will help you overcome your fears that are holding you back and for you to experience a heart like the widow’s, ready to surrender everything.
“True trust in God means surrendering all we have, believing that the Lord is more than enough to meet every need, just as God did for the widow!” God is more than enough! Let us share this message with others this week.
Sermon Notes:
I wonder how often we hesitate to trust God with what little we have—whether that’s our finances, our time, or even our hopes and dreams. The world tells us to hold tight, to store up, to make sure we have enough before we give. But God invites us to trust Him with everything, even the smallest things, because He is our provider. Sometimes, trust looks like giving even when we’re unsure if there’s enough for tomorrow, knowing that God sees and cares deeply. In those early challenging times as newlyweds we were simply trying to make ends meet. I remember moments when we had nothing extra, yet somehow, we always had enough. God met us where we were, just like He met that widow. God sees our faith when we give out of our need, and He meets us with His grace and provisions.
Think of the hymn’s words: “Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er.” So many of us have experienced God’s faithfulness time and again. Like the widow, we too can learn to give God our trust—no matter the size of what we’re offering. And when we do, we experience the sweetness of surrender and the deep peace that comes from placing everything in His hands.
The widow’s story, with her humble coins and deep faith, foreshadows the ultimate act of trust and surrender: Jesus Himself. Just as she gave all she had, Jesus gave everything—His very life—to reconcile us to God. Because of His sacrifice, we can trust Him completely, knowing that His love and provisions are unending.