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Prayer Journal 1/7/24 "The Heavens Were Torn Open"


Prayer Journal January 7, 2024


Holy God, Eternal Spirit, we thank you for baptizing us into one body in Jesus the Christ. Wash over us with your Spirit, that, like Jesus, we may serve you in serving humanity. Baptize us with the fire of your truth, through Jesus Christ. Amen. Written by Ruth C. Duck, Touch Holiness: Resources for Worship, Updated (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2012), 38.

Read: Mark 1:4-11       


·       What was the significance of verse 10?

        “Jesus was coming out of the water. Just then he

         saw heaven being torn open.”

·       Who are you?

·       What roles do you fulfil in life?

·       What is our most important role?

·       Why is Mark 1:4-11 important to us? 


The heavens have been torn open for us.  God has announced that we are “Beloved Children of God.”  God loves us and is pleased with us. God’s infinite power, presence, and wisdom is with us in 2024.


How will you engage your faith through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, service, generosity, and witness in 2024?


Let us remember who we are, and whose we are!    

Our Bible lesson is a great reminder that as we prepare ourselves for 2024, that this day is a great day, a great day to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord once again.

The work we do as disciples of Jesus Christ is so hard in today’s world and at times God seems so elusive, and God’s power seems absent.  Therefore, Mark’s Gospel is telling us that we have been given a moment to taste and see and hear the goodness of the Lord. 

      As you come to the communion table today, taste and see the communion elements a hear the heavens torn open for you.  I pray that you will once again find God’s love for you and hear God say to you are my son or you are my daughter whom I love, with you I am well pleased. 




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