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Prayer Journal and Small Group Guide for Sunday March 3. The Gospel Lesson: John 2:13-22 "Turning Tables

Here is the Bible Passage

Here is Two Hungers


  Journal Sunday March 3, 2024


Holy God, in Jesus Christ you have built for usan eternal house, a temple of righteousness,a place of gracious plenty for the hungryand abundant life for the poor in spirit.Fill us with zeal for the body of Christ.Overturn the tables of corruption and greedand upset the imbalance of injustice,so that we may worship you in spirit and truth;through Jesus Christ, who is risen indeed.


Read:  John 2:13-22


·      How do you respond to Jesus’ anger and actions in this reading?

·      Do his actions fit with the way you generally picture Jesus?

·      How has Jesus turned the tables in your life? 

·      In what ways are you turning toward Jesus on your Lenten Journey?

·      Where have you experienced a “Holy Moment” this week?

Matthew Kelly defines a Holy Moment as a single moment in which you open yourself to God. You make yourself available to Him. You set aside personal preference and self-interest, and for one moment you do what you prayerfully believe God is calling you to do


Yield to God, and God will provide the yield.


If you have not attended a Lenten Bible Study, make it a point engage in the Holy Moments Bible Study: There are three options to participate that include Sundays at 9:45am in the Light House Room, Wednesdays at 4PM and 6PM in the Fellowship Hall. Our plan will be to cover Part I the week of February 25, Part II the week of March 3, Part 3 the week of March 10 and Part IV the week of March 17.  



After he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered what he had said, and they believed the scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken (John 2:22 CEB)

 Small Group Guide for Wednesday February 28

Part One – Awakening

  1. On page 13, have you personally thought or said one or more of these sacred truths – something is missing, there must be more to life, I have so much more to offer? Please reflect and share if comfortable.

  2. On the bottom of page 14, what does the author tell us we try to do to satisfy our cravings for these sacred truths?

  3. On page 16, what are the two hungers?

  4. Do you know people in your life who are either living with meaning or hungering for meaning? Please share.

  5. On pp. 18-19, what are some of the ways that Matthew Kelly’s spiritual mentor encouraged him?

  6. On page 20, Matthew Kelly talks about collaborating with God to create Holy Moments. What do you think that means for you personally?

  7. On page 21, what are some of the ways you see our culture being exiled from God?

  8. On page 23 Matthew Kelly defines a Holy Moment as a single moment in which you open yourself to God. You make yourself available to Him. You set aside personal preference and self-interest, and for one moment you do what you prayerfully believe God is calling you to do. Do you agree with his statementon p. 24 that you can begin living this today? Why or why not?

  9. What stood out to you in The Moment of Decision section on pp. 25-29?

  10. Each week we will begin with asking anyone to share a Holy Moment they created or experienced and how it made them feel. Do you have any you want to share now?



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