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Prayer Journal for Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024

Mark 11:1-11 " Love Leads The Way"


Dear Lord,

         As we begin the holiest week of the year, we hear the shouts of Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. We remember how quickly the events of the week change, and we hear them say “Crucify Him.”  Once again, we pray for God to break through, touch hearts, change lives, and change our world. We pray for new spirit, a new birth, a recreation, a change in our outlook on life and we remember that love leads the way.  May we discover that a life of humble service is a life filled with great joy.  Once again, we can all say that Easter is coming this year. In the name of our Lord and savior, Jesus we pray.  Amen

Read: Psalm 118 and Mark 11:1-11


Apply:  What are your hopes and dreams this, Easter?


Yield:  Yield and God will provide the yield.


Engage.  Where have you engaged in being the hands and feet of Jesus this week?


Remember.  Write down where you have seen God at work in your life this week, and give God thanks.



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