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The Power of One Word 2023


What will your word be for 2023?

Of Course, this is the time of year that we are all making New Year’s Resolutions. In 2017, I reached a point of frustration. Every year I would make a resolution to lose 10 pounds, and like most people by February, I would give up on it. Making New Year Resolutions became another meaningless task that I had to do. Then something changed. I was on a Monthly Call with a group of people from all over the country who are trained to Lead Like Jesus. You will hear more about the process of loving, listening, living, leading, and laughing like Jesus in the coming year. While I was on this call the speaker was talking about the power of one word. She referenced a book One Word That Will Change Your Life, written in 1999 by the authors (Jon Gordon, Jimmy Page, and Dan Britton) discovered a better way to become their best and live a life of impact. Let me just say that the power of using one word was nothing new, These authers just happened to write a best-selling book about it. Instead of creating endless goals and resolutions, they found one word that would be their driving force for the year. No goals. No wish lists. Just one word. Best of all… anyone, anytime can discover their word for the year.

I have found the power of using One Word since 2017 and by the way my family has been on board with it and sharing our one word on New Year’s Day has become a tradition for us. The power of One Word has simplified my life and work. My word has created clarity, power, passion and has been life changing. My one word has impacted all six dimensions of my life mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial. Coupled with the prayer that I pray every day from John 316, I have witnessed many revelations from God, I have seen God’s grace and truth transform me and my family, and the churches that I have served over the years in amazing ways.

My words since 2017 have generally been related to my faith, I think it is our faith that carries us through, the ups, downs, twists and turns of life. My one words in 2017 Love, 2018 Jesus, 2019 Sabbatical, 2020, Blessing, 2021, New Life. 2022, Journey, and now in 2023 decided to use the word PRAY in the form of an Acronym. The word PRAY represents the process that I have been using most of my adult life. I start out with pray, I read the bible and other devotions each morning, I try to apply it to my life. This year God revealed to me the Y in the word pray. Y stands for the word Yield. It has two meanings which are first, give way to another person’s argument or decisions. In this case we need to yield to God’s plan for our life. Second, another word for yield is produce such as an agricultural harvest. The two meanings of the word yield led me to this thought “Yield to God and God will Yield the Way.”

Jesus said in John 14:6 “ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus has outlined the Way, The Truth, and Life, and the yield to this revelation or Epiphany which I talked about early sheds a new light on the way we apply those words do not be afraid, God is with us, the Word became flesh and let’s explore the alternative routes. When live this life of faith I believe we find wholeness, joy, and a life that is eternal.

I am looking forward to what God is going to do in our lives together in 2023

Happy New Year

Happy Ephiphany Sunday.


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